Augmented reality experiences, creative workshops, carol concerts and a charity market make up the Entity’s Christmas program in the new Xplora Space.
Ibercaja maintains other Christmas traditions such as visits to the Nativity Scene, the Three Wise Men’s mailboxes and visits with the special envoy of Their Majesties from the East.
The Bank collaborates and promotes other solidarity activities with different institutions and NGOs.
Ibercaja’s Xplora space, located at the Bank’s headquarters, lights up Christmas with a complete thematic offer that includes educational, recreational, traditional and children’s activities.
Christmas takes center stage in the new Ibercaja square and, above all, in the agenda of the Xplora Space, which the Entity opens to the public to host musical activities, creative workshops and other traditional and innovative proposals for all ages.
Ibercaja’s traditional Nativity Scene can be visited in the building annexed to the main headquarters of the Entity, in Paseo de la Constitución, 4. In addition, it can also be admired closely in the following schedule:
– From 02/12/23 to 21/12/23. From Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
– From 22/12/23 to 06/01/24. From Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 14:00 hours and from 17:00 to 18:30 hours.
The Ibercaja Nativity Scene, which was born in 1945, has a beautiful history as one of the largest in the Aragonese capital. Ibercaja maintains its solidarity background through guided tours and a volunteer activity in which the Bank’s employees participate accompanying and transmitting the history and curiosities of the Nativity Scene to children in vulnerable situations. This volunteer activity will take place on December 19 and 22.
Christmas activities in the Xplora Space.
- Ibercaja SKI Experience. Those who dream of a white Christmas can try the virtual reality snow experience at Espacio Ibercaja Xplora. All you have to do is put on the virtual reality goggles, cross the footbridge and ski in the heart of Zaragoza.
- Christmas experience of augmented reality: Which is your favorite Christmas figure from the Nativity Scene or the Magician King? Xplora’s Xcaparate screen invites you to «play» with an augmented reality experience. When approaching and moving in front of the screen, passers-by can see how an icon representative of these dates appears on their face: Melchior, Gaspar, Balthazar, a shepherd boy, a shooting star from the east..
- Creative workshops for all audiences. The Ibercaja Xplora Space has scheduled a series of workshops to enhance creativity and Christmas decorations.
- Creative Nativity Scenes Workshop. December 4, at 6:00 pm, and December 26, at 11:30 am.
- Christmas ornaments workshop. December 11, at 6:00 pm, and December 28, at 11:30 am.
- Workshop to decorate your Christmas table: December 18, at 6:30 pm.
- Christmas market. On December 20 and 21 we will launch the 1st edition of the Christmas Solidarity Market of Ibercaja, this time for the benefit of the ASAPME project for the prevention of youth suicide. A space in which to find sustainable and solidarity products, details with soul, perfect for preparing Christmas gifts and collaborate with a good cause. In addition, all products on sale come from two special employment centers: Gardeniers (flowers, plants and organic food) and Yosiquesé (very special stationery gifts). Days: December 20 and 21 from 10:00 to 21:00 hours. Address: New Plaza Ibercaja. In front of the Xplora space of the headquarters.
- Special envoy of the Three Wise Men. No one better than the emissary of Their Majesties to tell their story in Espacio Ibercaja Xplora, from December 22 to January 5, from 11:00 to 13:30 hours and from 17 to 18:30 hours, from Monday to Friday and also on Saturday mornings.
- Royal mailboxes of the Three Wise Men of the East. As every year, the illusion takes the form of a letter and all the children will be able to deposit their wishes in the royal mailboxes where they will be able to look out and see a message from Their Majesties.
- Concert of the Infanticos del Pilar. For more than 30 years, the Bank’s main headquarters has hosted the traditional Christmas carol concert organized by Fundación Ibercaja with the Infantes del Pilar School-School, traditionally known as «Infanticos del Pilar», whose origin dates back to the year 1250. On this occasion, the Infanticos will offer their performance from the Xcaparate Zone on Wednesday, December 22, at 12.00 noon.
- Ibercaja Christmas Gala. On January 4, 2024, there will be an exclusive activity for the sons and daughters of the Ibercaja family staff, winners of the drawing contest.
Fun with Zaragoza’s Amusement Park
Ibercaja is launching a double collaboration with the Parque de Atracciones (Amusement Park). As a novelty this year, in its Christmas Carol Contest, all the schools will sing an Aragonese Christmas carol and the best interpretation will win the special Ibercaja prize. The winning choirs of this second edition will sing at the Espacio Ibercaja Xplora on Wednesday morning, January 3.
The Zaragoza Amusement Park is open for Christmas until December 17 and Iberfan Club members can purchase wristbands for 10 euros. In addition, Ibercaja followers on social networks will have the opportunity to participate in the draw for a Diversion 2024 Season pass with unlimited access for four people to the Amusement Park and its pool and the Zaragoza Aquarium.
Other solidarity initiatives
Ibercaja also promotes other solidarity initiatives in collaboration with different institutions and non-profit organizations:
- Una Sonrisa por Navidad (A Smile for Christmas). Once again, we joined the campaign «Una Sonrisa por Navidad» (A Smile for Christmas), organized by the NGO Cooperación Internacional, for the benefit of children from underprivileged families. The aim of this campaign is to give thousands of smiles to more than 10,000 children in vulnerable situations by distributing new toys.
- Great Food Drive. From November 24 to December 20, we participated in a food collection campaign at Ibercaja’s main headquarters in Zaragoza with volunteers from the Bank. Distributed in shifts, they will be in charge of classifying the food received by FESBAL, an NGO that receives these economic donations and is in charge of distributing them proportionally to the different food banks in the cities where it operates.
Real Magi. It is a non-profit project in which hundreds of people collaborate selflessly to give back the illusion to children, the elderly and people without resources by surprising them with their Three Kings Gift. The recipients of the gifts write in their homes a real letter to the Three Wise Men with up to 3 gifts and, after a few days, the collaborators receive a notification with the letter that has been assigned to them, the gifts requested as well as the place and date to deposit them. - I invite you to dinner. It is an initiative that this year celebrates its tenth anniversary and that arose from the union of several social entities that wanted to offer their users a special Christmas. With the collaboration of prestigious chefs, companies, entities and volunteer groups, this event is organized to make all these families at risk of exclusion feel that all the people involved want to share with them that night.
In addition, in collaboration with the City Council of Zaragoza, Ibercaja participates as a sponsor of the Nativity Scene in the Plaza del Pilar and the Three Kings Parade.